Sleepless Nights

You know the times when you are beyond tired, but you cannot sleep. Your thoughts are moving 100 Miles an hour, but your body is screaming SLEEP!! But as much as you want to you just cannot fall into a deep slumber. Sometimes (honestly most times) it is due to stress, but there is the odd time when you have one of those days where something gets you thinking. It could be as simple as a song on the radio, or a news story. But today for me, it was a simple telephone conversation with a friend I had not seen in over a year. We started talking about a potential business opportunity, but we soon digressed into the mundane of the everyday. Which lead to a discussion centred around our own struggles, our own fears, and our own expectations. The catch is that although we live on opposites sides of the country, we share a very distinct similarity. We are both in search our ultimate passion. We are both for lack of a better term, lost.

It is reassuring to now that I am not losing the last of my marbles, and that no matter how I feel I am never alone in my thoughts, worries, or fears. We had one of those conversations that kept replaying over and over in my head, and each offered more questions then answers. Which made me think of one of favourite quotes from one of my favourite childhood authors.

sometimes the questions are complicated, the answers are easy. Dr. Seuss


Why is that we lose sight of the answers, and get focused and bogged down with the questions? It feels that we are always in search of the perfect questions to find the perfect answers. And if the answer makes us feel uncomfortable we rephrase the question, and are no longer satisfied with the answer. Confusing. No wonder there are those that feel lost. No wonder we feel we are constantly in search of “our true calling”.

Do not worry, and have no fear, we are not alone. If we can find a way to simply the questions, the answers will become more clear. If we work as a team, support each other in finding our paths, we can find the inner strengths needed to make the change to help each other grow stronger, and change the world, one “lost dream” at a time.

Something to Ponder …

Just a few of My Favourite Quotes … They always make me think alittle…

All our dreams can come true –if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney


Persistence is the ability to maintain actions regardless of your feelings. You press on even when you feel like quitting. When you work on any big goal your motivation will wax and wane like the waves hitting the shore. Sometimes you’ll feel motivated, sometimes you won’t. But it’s not your motivation that creates results – it’s your action. 

Persistence allows you to keep taking action even when you don’t feel motivated to do so, and therefore you keep accumulating results. Persistence will ultimately provide its own motivation. If you simply keep taking action, you’ll eventually get results, and results can be very motivating. – Zig Ziglar


 It is not about what it is, it’s about what it can become. – Dr. Seuss

What everyone Else says

When I approached my friends and family about the light bulb moment, they all just stared at me blankly.  I am not too sure if  they understood my concern with what was going on, or even worse what might happen.  I was very confused.  Honestly these are the people you turn to in time of need, and  they were looking at me like I was crazy.  I don’t think they understood my fear, or for that wanted to understand this new paranoia.

Talk about a kick to the teeth.  Then I remembered the one of the very first seminars my husband dragged me too.  They spent most of the weekend talking about the idea of Content vs. Context…to be successful you need to surround your self with those who share the context side of the glass, as the content is subjective.  Meaning you only ever learn what you think/feel is important.  You cannot force some one to change their context like you can force feed content.  Make sense?

From that point on, although I will admit it  is difficult on a regular basis, but I had to stop caring about what others thought of me.  I am going to do right by me, my husband and my kids, no matter what others may think of my so called  madness.  One of my favourite quotes of all times says it best…

Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don’t matter,
and those who matter don’t mind.
― Dr. Seuss