Baby Steps

This is a phrase that I tended to live by.  Baby Steps…like I said, I am a little slow, tend to over think, and have always wanted…no needed everyone’s approval.  To be honest doing things for me, with out the constant  need of continual approval, has made  things easier.  I have a plan (sort of) and I am going to execute this plan one step at a time…Baby Steps.


What everyone Else says

When I approached my friends and family about the light bulb moment, they all just stared at me blankly.  I am not too sure if  they understood my concern with what was going on, or even worse what might happen.  I was very confused.  Honestly these are the people you turn to in time of need, and  they were looking at me like I was crazy.  I don’t think they understood my fear, or for that wanted to understand this new paranoia.

Talk about a kick to the teeth.  Then I remembered the one of the very first seminars my husband dragged me too.  They spent most of the weekend talking about the idea of Content vs. Context…to be successful you need to surround your self with those who share the context side of the glass, as the content is subjective.  Meaning you only ever learn what you think/feel is important.  You cannot force some one to change their context like you can force feed content.  Make sense?

From that point on, although I will admit it  is difficult on a regular basis, but I had to stop caring about what others thought of me.  I am going to do right by me, my husband and my kids, no matter what others may think of my so called  madness.  One of my favourite quotes of all times says it best…

Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don’t matter,
and those who matter don’t mind.
― Dr. Seuss


First Realization

Over the years  there have been a number of different times were the information I was hearing, I was actually absorbing.  You know the feeling of energy, motivation, and necessity.  The one that hit me  the most, that slap up side the head, happened last year in Edmonton Alberta.  I was listening to Arlene Dickinson  tell of her early beginnings, and her motivation to get her to being one of the most successful Canadian Women.  The things she said really made sense, and if I did not make a change in  the direction of my life, I am the only one to blame for it.

As I said, I have been at home since the birth of my first child, helping, and supporting my husband in his endeavors with Business and real estate.  I am not complaining, I consider myself to be very luck to live the life choices I do.  I get to drop my kids off and pick them up everyday from school, I get to go to every activity, play, game, or concert without thinking.  I do not have to stress if one of the kids are home sick…I am just there, and I love it.

The Light bulb moment for me was when Arlene Dickinson asked what would you do to survive if  the worse thing happened.  What would I do if it was upto me, myself and I to support the family?  I haven`t had a real job in years, I did not know anything about business, what would we do…Then an even bigger thought came to me…What have I taught my kids about surviving?  They had no real context to know anything, “Daddy works at the kitchen table, and mommy does stuff at home” is what they told their Daycare teacher 2 years ago.  From that moment forward I knew something had to change and the something was me.