Well 2012 has come to a close and another year is in the history books. As we say goodbye to the past we also say hello to the future. The New Year is all about resolutions for change, new beginnings and clean slates. How many times have you said to yourself … this is my year…and by January 15th, nothing has changed. How many gym memberships have been bought with the intention of losing weight. I am no different. I have the same visions of grandeur, the same thoughts of change and the same goals of success, but struggle with the everyday of everyday. I can get so easily caught up in the here and now, that I forget to dream, get overwhelmed in the mundane, and to be honest there are times when I even forget to shower. You go to the conferences the seminars, and read the books…they all sound so simple, and in reality it is. It seems that it is the practicality that gets in the way.
Let’s make 2013 the year that we take a few chances, follow through with our resolutions, and reach for our dreams. If we don’t who will?
Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
― Dr. Seuss