Never Alone….

When you have those kind of days where everything is going the wrong way, nothing is working out the way it should, and even the simplest of tasks seem impossible; the good news is you are not alone.

Sometimes all it takes the tiniest of actions to remind you that there are others out there (somewhere), that are going through the same thing. For me it is “the fit” in the grocery line. Although I can sympathize with the parent trying to get through the ordeal, it always brings a slight smile to my face.

So thank you to all the parents who have had screaming children in line, or the kids covered head to toe in mud, after you specifically said to stay away from the puddle. A huge thank you to the parents who have a wailing child on a plane, and to the parents who look like they have not showered for days, and seem flustered beyond belief.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

All it does is reinforce that you are not alone in the suffering. Others have tough days too!! And it you take a brief moment to look at others experiencing there struggles (similarities and all), it brings a small bit of comfort knowing you are not alone.

The next time you have this feeling acknowledge it, welcome it, and let the other person know that they too are not alone. In the end, it will make you both feel better.

Where does the Time Go?

Time…Friend or Foe?

It is truly amazing at how quickly time is going by.  It feels like just yesterday we were Celebrating the beginning of a New Year, and were talking about what Resolutions were being made for 2014.  In a blink 2014 is 1/2 over and and the resolutions are long forgotten.  The kids are another year older, and finished yet another year at school.  Where has the time gone? What do we have to show for the passing of this time?  

It is all about perspective, I guess;  On the one side of the  coin, on the surface it looks as though there was very little accomplished, but on the flip side, when you look deeper, and in retrospect it was an amazing six months, with numerous accomplishments, and triumphs. 

When I sat down and took the time and truly reflect on the past six months, It turns out it was not a waste of time at all. I have done a considerable amount, albeit not visible to everyone. First off there were several wins in the goal department, with great help from one of my mentors Mr. Bob Molle.  To be honest they were small goals, but still achieved just the same.  I have had the pleasure of traveling west to meet some amazing people in “The Mastermind Program”, who have both encouraged and inspired me to continue on the road of self discovery.  I have been able to recognize that certain volunteer positions were not a good fit, although volunteering remains one of my core beliefs, some  positions are just not for me.  I have helped raise over $25, 000 for a local charity as the Vice President of their Board.  I have been able to be home, and available for my family as they needed me, for school trips, scraped knees, unforeseen business trips, and unexpected trips to the emergency room; all without even a blink.  At the end of the fist six months of 2014, I can hold my head high and say that I did something.  I did something  better.  I did something bigger.  And I did it because I wanted to, not because I had to.  After all is that not the meaning of success…”doing something for want versus need”?

So  is Time a friend or is Time a foe?  You be the judge, but Time no matter friend or foe is always ones greatest asset.

Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.                                                                                                                                         Harvey MacKay



Happy Father’s Day!!

Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.                         — Anne Geddes —












   Happy Father’s Day to Our Favourite Dad Ever!!