The 6 week goal experiment might now be over… but I still have one of the 3 goals not closed. The open House is coming closer by the day…the invites are out, and I have been hearing from people, who are excited to come. But it is not done yet. I have held myself accountable to this point, I figured I needed to see it through to the end. This weekend will be the finale to the weeks of this gibber jabber, but it has taught me one very important thing about myself, and that is that I REALLY CAN DO IT!! I know it is cliche, but there is really nothing one cannot do when they put their mind to it. Corny but oh so very true!!
Week 6
Well Here it is week 6 and I am still here….I did not burst into flames, or lose my mind to some mental break. I DID IT !! I MADE IT !!! 6 weeks of following goals and seeing that I an others around me held me accountable to them. Well almost…the Open House that was originally planned for this weekend is not happening until April 20th. But be happy as I have already addressed the envelopes and they are ready to be mailed…I am heading to the post office right after I finish writing this post. No Turning Back Now!!!
Goals they are great to have and make you feel great when you follow them through, but the key thing to know is where to go next, and what you have learned, saw, and felt along the way.
It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
― Ernest Hemingway
Check In #5
Getting Closer and closer to the finish of the 6 week goal thing. Although it is still quite hard to make myself do the things that need to get done (especially this part of it). I am finding the excuses are lessening. It is starting to become a little easier, but there is still conscious effort needed to follow through.
The only thing that has really changed is that I have pushed back the dates of the open house in order to follow through with the companies promotion. But It is something that IS going to happen.