Never Alone….

When you have those kind of days where everything is going the wrong way, nothing is working out the way it should, and even the simplest of tasks seem impossible; the good news is you are not alone.

Sometimes all it takes the tiniest of actions to remind you that there are others out there (somewhere), that are going through the same thing. For me it is “the fit” in the grocery line. Although I can sympathize with the parent trying to get through the ordeal, it always brings a slight smile to my face.

So thank you to all the parents who have had screaming children in line, or the kids covered head to toe in mud, after you specifically said to stay away from the puddle. A huge thank you to the parents who have a wailing child on a plane, and to the parents who look like they have not showered for days, and seem flustered beyond belief.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

All it does is reinforce that you are not alone in the suffering. Others have tough days too!! And it you take a brief moment to look at others experiencing there struggles (similarities and all), it brings a small bit of comfort knowing you are not alone.

The next time you have this feeling acknowledge it, welcome it, and let the other person know that they too are not alone. In the end, it will make you both feel better.

First Post

It’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

It has been a really long time since I wrote some thing of substance for the sole purpose of writing.  I think that is why I thought I would start a blog.  I am married with 2 wonderful children 5 and 7.  My husband has a successful business, which affords me the luxury of being at home with our children, which I have done for the most part since our oldest was born.  I have a background in social work, and spent several years as a child protection worker, but I have a new found interest in business and  the financial benefits of business.  This has made me me question how I talk about and teach the idea of money to my children.  How do I answer their questions to get them to think outside of the conventional box.

For the most part, this blog will be the means for me to record and share my successes and failures in this adventure.